Monday, April 14, 2008

In looking back at all the pieces I made last year, this brooch is the piece I like the most and was happiest with. I asked myself why, and realized that the overall look, based on the pattern and techniques used to create the pattern, was what I enjoy about it. This was very significant for me because it lead me to the realization that in most of the things I have been drawing inspiration from ( namely old vintage and antique things ) it is either fine intricate pattern or workmanship that I am drawn to the most, and inspired by. It is this realization that has lead me to want to experiment and try out different techniques with which to introduce a form of patterning to my jewellery. At the moment I am focusing on surface decoration, experimenting with techniques such as hand carving in wax, etching and piercing and the use of Rhinoceros3D to create patterns. I would like to learn reppousse and chasing, as well as trying to make press dies for my patterns.

These are wax pieces that I have hand carved and cut in Rhinoceros3D

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