Friday, August 22, 2008


Do we do what we say and say what we think
or do we say what we think we do?
Complexities compiled, boxed and bricked
to fit on a shelf, filed and fixed
or focussed on feeling and felt?

Discribed and dissolved, dealing and dealt
dimensions and doors ignored.
Divine interlude, diffused and amused
and perfectly pardoned apart.

Cleaned and closed and stringently dosed
defining and digging its grave.
Diligently dull and pining to sell
it servantly longs to save.

So lift and left, lightened with life
and listen with wing overhead.
To sigh and sing and sift to swell
a delight in a life not death.


Sofia Kemm said...

Thats so beautiful!!Did u write it??Its wonderful!

Christy-Anne said...

Thank you! :o) yes I did write it.